Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, scrub all over your hands including back of the hands, between fingers and rub for at least 20 seconds. Do not forget to wash your hands immediately after visiting public places. The virus may stay on surfaces for hours and even for days so avoid touching random stuff or counters around you unnecessarily when you are out for shopping or grocery and if it happens then keep alcohol rubs or wipes readily available with you to keep your hand sanitized there and then. However, it is better to wash your hands most of the times whenever it is possible instead of relying on sanitizers only. Also avoid touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth as these are the most sensitive areas through which virus generally enters into your body.
It is strongly advised to use medical masks to protect yourselves and others as well, especially if your are having respiratory symptoms of coughing and sneezing. Once the masks are worn they should properly be disposed off to avoid the risk of transmitting the virus. Also it is pivotal to take social distancing measures, not going out in public in the first place and keep yourself in self quarantine and if it is mandatory to go out in public then maintain the distance of at least 6 feet. Avoid unnecessary travel plans and public transports as your body is on high risk when you are using public transport due to the close seating area and less ventilation so it is better to use alternate ways of commutation whenever required so that you would not have to be in the crowd for longer time.
Social gatherings must be curtailed immediately and try to be home most of the times in order to avoid commutation and crowd. As being in the places with full of crowd are high on risk for spread of the disease. It may not sound practical for longer time yet it is essential to be safe than sorry, avoid throwing or attending parties until the situation gets under control. As a lot of organizations have already understood the criticality of minimizing the crowd, hence implementing social distancing by allowing most of their employees to work from home in order to encourage less commutation and more isolation for keeping the whole community safe. In the time of medical emergency it is essential to practice good hygiene and precisely abiding by the latest guidelines given by the state health authorities and opting for online alternatives for shopping, classes and routine transactions that doesn't require you to go out in the public. One thing we should have to be clear for we are the threat and we are the solution, impediment to the right action is fear and hysteria so we need to fight sanely to navigate the collective threat.
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